Turn an MP3 into a iPhone Ringtone
1 min read editmentary ffmpeg · iphone · rington · howtoShameless reminder to myself for the FFMpeg command to convert a MP3 to a M4R #Mac ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -c:a aac -f ipod -b:a 96k output.m4r # Ubuntu found on https://coderwall.com/p/df1hwg/create-iphone-ringtones-with-ffmpeg ffmpeg -i Input.mp3 -c:a libfdk_aac -f ipod -b:a 96k output.m4r Resources Download FFMpeg OR brew install some digital media goodness # Install FFMpeg (with all available libs) brew install ffmpeg $(brew options ffmpeg | grep -vE '\s' | grep -- '--with-' | tr '\n' ' ') # Create thumbnails from video brew install ffmpegthumbnailer # Media player that playsback almost anything.
Background Generators
1 min read editmentary generators · background · thumbnails · bannersHere are a few FREE image and SVG generators that you can use to create backgrounds for your other images or websites Online: Geo Pattern - Start typing to generate random patterns Trianglify Background Generator - Generate backgrounds with triangular patterns Trianglify.io - Similar to Trianglify Background Generator, but more customizable Waterpipe Generate random smoke patterns over a background App: Polygen An app that converts images to a geometric version.
FFMpeg toolbox
2 min read editmentary video · audio · media · ffmpegList help (options) for ffmpeg ffmpeg -h full How to chunk/segment a video: ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -acodec copy -f segment -vcodec copy -reset_timestamps 1 -map 0 OUTPUT%d.mp4 Reference: Stack Overflow Validate/check video for errors: ffmpeg -v error -i file.avi -f null - 2>error.log checking multiple videos: find -name "*.mp4" -exec sh -c "echo '{}' >> errors.log; ffmpeg -v error -i '{}' -map 0:1 -f null - 2 >> errors.
FYI - Get the meta data about a video
1 min read editmentary video · post-production · ffmpeg · mediainfoYou don’t need an NLE to view the meta data about a media file. There are plenty of free tools that you can use from the command line that will tell you about what is in a video. I know what you are saying. “Uh… and I care because???” 8 or 9 times out of ten, ya don’t. BUT on the off chance that you actually work with video content during post-production or delivery, it may be a thing.
FYI - Some if the tools I use
1 min read editmentary video · post-production · ffmpeg · mediainfo · davinci-resolve · fusionHere is a quick rundown of tools that I use as it relates to video. NOTES * Anything that can be installed by Homebrew is indicated by ‡ * Anything that I havent used yet, but want to in the future is indicated by * Tool Skill Level Technical? GUI? Cost More Info Davinci Resolve Beginner - Expert No Yes Free - $399 NLE (Video Editor) Media Info ‡ Beginner - Expert Yes Yes (1) Free extract media meta data FFMpeg ‡ Beginner - Expert Yes No Free Video Encoder/Decoder Documentation ImageMagick ‡ Beginner - Expert Yes No Free image tool Command Line tools QCTools * Intermediate - Expert Yes Yes Free Use this to check the quality of a video Fusion 8 * Intermediate - Expert No Yes Free - $995 Visual/Graphic effects tool Footnotes MediaInfo has a GUI for windows.
DIY - Generate Video Sprites
1 min read editmentary video · post-production · image magickEver wonder how the thumbnails when you hover on the progress bar for YouTube™ videos? Turns out the process is not that difficult. In fact, you can replicate the process for Free.99. Here’s how. Before We Start Download and install Image Magick, if you don’t have it already. Follow the steps in the DIY on thumbnails to generate your images. Let’s Get Started! Convert the JPG files Using the thumbnails generated during the DIY on thumbnails, generate a strip (or sprites) of the joined thumbnails.
DIY - Generate Video Thumbnails
2 min read editmentary video · post-production · ffmpegThis quick and dirty DIY will tell you how to generate a thumbnail based on content in your videos. Without having to grab stills from your favorite ILE. All for the low, low price of Free.99. Before you get started Download and install FFMPEG, if you don’t have it already. Have a video on your computer or accessible online. Grab a number every second ffmpeg -i input.flv -vf fps=1 out%d.